GLADA’s Best Practices are made up of the
following fundamental principles:
- Integrity: Being straightforward in all professional relationships with members and customers.
- Collaboration: Working in concert with fellow members to improve the business standards in aircraft transactions and continuing to develop ways to improve practices that benefit our association, business, and the industry as a whole.
- Transparency: To ensure operating in a way that creates openness for all members, creating trust leading to a successful association
- Inclusivity: All members, regardless of personal or professional standing, will work together and share ideas and opinions on the best practices in which to conduct business.
- Operating with accountability in all aspects of members' duties, products, partners, and the business aviation industry.
- Declaring to the person(s) responsible in the Association any personal interest that might affect, or be seen by others to affect, impartiality in decision making.
- Ensuring that the information provided through the course of the project or work process is accurate.
- Never breaching the confidentiality of information received in a professional capacity.
- Being truthful about skills, experience, and qualifications.
- Exercising conduct, professional or personal, which will benefit GLADA or the Business Aviation Community.
- Striving at all times to provide excellent and honest experience for customers.
- Using plain language, wherever possible, to provide clear and concise descriptions of the product, solution, or service being offered.
- Ensuring fairness and value in all transactions.
- Ensuring best practices in all aspects of a transaction, project or assignment; contracts, sales, charter, consulting, flight operations, and such other services GLADA members provide.
- Commitment to Ongoing Education: Foster a culture of continuous learning by providing members with access to industry updates and educational resources. Ensure all members stay informed about the latest trends and best practices to maintain a competitive edge.