This Code of Conduct outlines the principles and standards that guide our associations operations, ensuring integrity, professionalism, and excellence in all aspects of business aviation. At GLADA, we believe that customers deserve sales professionals who uphold the highest standards of accountability, delivering value to their business with honesty and integrity.

The GLADA Code of Conduct embodies industry and business best practices, fostering trust, accountability, and mutual respect among employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders while ensuring excellence throughout the entire sales process. Sales professionals are expected to communicate honestly about the products and services they offer, honor all promises and commitments made to customers, and consistently uphold ethical standards.

GLADA’s mission is to equip its members with the tools, guidance, and knowledge needed to make sound decisions that reflect professionalism and benefit the broader aviation community.


  • Integrity
    Members will conduct business with honesty, fairness, and transparency, ensuring that their actions align with the best interests of their clients, colleagues, and the industry.
  • Professionalism
    Members will maintain the highest level of professionalism in all interactions, demonstrating respect, accountability, and ethical behavior at all times.
  • Confidentiality
    Members will safeguard the confidentiality of all sensitive information shared by clients, partners, and other stakeholders.
  • Accountability
    Members will take full responsibility for their actions and decisions, honoring commitments and rectifying any errors in a timely and transparent manner.
  • Excellence
    Members will strive to deliver exceptional service, continuously enhancing their skills and staying informed about industry trends and best practices.
  • Collaboration
    Members will foster a spirit of cooperation within the association, sharing knowledge and working together to elevate standards across the global aviation industry.
  • Fair Competition
    Members will engage in fair and ethical competition, refraining from disparaging competitors or engaging in practices that undermine the integrity of one another or the industry.


As a GLADA member, I commit to:
  • Acting in the Best Interest of Clients: Providing unbiased advice and ensuring that all recommendations serve the client's needs and goals.
  • Ensuring Accuracy: Delivering accurate, complete, and truthful information about aircraft, transactions, and related services.
  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest: Disclosing any potential conflicts of interest that could impact decision-making or client relationships.
  • Complying with Laws and Regulations: Adhering to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing the business aviation sector.
  • Supporting Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting an inclusive and respectful environment for all clients, colleagues, and industry participants.
  • Encouraging Continuous Education: Participating in and promoting educational opportunities to stay informed about innovations, compliance requirements, and evolving industry trends.
  • Promoting Environmental Responsibility: Supporting sustainable practices within the aviation industry wherever possible.


GLADA members who fail to uphold this Code of Conduct may be subject to review and disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership. This ensures that all members adhere to the highest ethical standards and contribute positively to the reputation and success of the association.


The GLADA Code of Conduct reflects our unwavering commitment to building trust, fostering collaboration, and driving excellence in the global business aviation industry. By adhering to these principles, our members play a vital role in advancing the integrity and success of our shared mission.